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Foxfire mane and tail conditioner

(2 customer reviews)

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Pharmakas® Foxfire Coat Shine Spray provides long-lasting shine for coat, mane and tail. At the same time, it nourishes short and long hair with the quality ingredients D-panthenol and argan oil. Here it is particularly gentle on skin and hair. In particular, brittle manes and tired coats once more look healthy and, after application, feel soft and smooth. It actively prevents hair breakage, improves hair growth and moisturizes. Pharmakas Foxfire Coat Shine spray ensures mane and tail are easy to comb. This way long hair can be brushed better and freed from tangles easier. It untangles the mane and frees it of straw, dust and dirt easier. The spray is suitable for all coat colours. The innovative spray bottle guarantees ease of use, silent application with a fine spray as well as complete emptying. 

Application: Remove coarse dirt from coat, mane and tail. Spray on, allow to take effect briefly, and then brush. Tip: for a thorough cleaning and gentle care, wash first with Pharmakas® Dermocan Shampoo.

2 reviews for Foxfire balzāms astei un krēpēm

  1. Ina Kuzņecova -

  2. Dina Repša -

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